E-Mix Software Change History

The version history of E-Mix XT Software is listed below. The software currently installed on a E-Mix XT system can be found by navigating to the Advanced -> Software screen. Details on this screen can be found in the system operation manual 3B0221.

All E-Mix XT systems should match one of the following system versions.

Software updates can be performed via the following methods

USB Update (All Models) : Download the GTI file from the desired system version below and place it in the root directory of a USB drive (Top Folder) and insert drive into the ADM. Follow on screen prompts to update software. NOTE: on screen prompts will not appear if software version on USB drive is the same or older than the version currently installed.

NOTE: Upgrading software may clear some USB data (i.e. pump cycles, material volume, etc.). It is recommended that a full USB download be completed before upgrading software.

Change History

  • Bug fixes for high speed high ratio Ratio Checks

Software Upgrade Part Number: 19F905 Series A


Change History

  • Bug fixes for high speed high ratio Ratio Checks