Hose does not heat.

To avoid serious injury follow all warnings and instructions in the manual. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

Verify that all FTS connections are snug and that the connector pins are clean. See Wiring Schematics in product manual. Examine connection of FTS to temperature control (AG) terminals. Unplug and re-plug FTS wires, cleaning off any debris. Unscrew wire terminals (TCM 1-9, TCM 1-10) on termperature control, clean the FTS wires, and re-tighten terminal screws.

FTS should be installed close to the end of the hose in the same environment as the gun. Verify correct FTS installation, see product manual.

Check temperature display for Temperature Control Error Codes. See product manual or Error Code section of help.graco.com.

Check all electrical connections inside control module. See Wiring Schematics in product manual. Inspect control module power cord and hose power cords. Repair or replace as necessary.

Increase hose setpoint if necessary.

With hose heat on, verify line voltage at hose plug connectors (AP).

Open temperature control module (A). Inspect wiring to control and SSR's. Replace SSR's or control module as necessary.

Check hose resistance. Compare to Technical Specifications, see product manual.

Inspect the power supply for a tripped breaker and reset breaker as necessary.

Inspect the GFCI for tripping and reset as necessary.