Follow the orange wire coming from J7 (E-20/E-XP1), or J6 (E-30/E-XP2), up to the spade connector on the motor. Using a flashlight to see check and make sure the spade plug assembly is not making contact with the metal housing of the brush assembly.
Remove the plug in J7 (E-20/E-XP1), or J6 (E-30/E-XP2). (This will cause an E27 alarm).
To remove the E27 alarm, use a jumper wire on the motor control board, across the two pins that the two yellow wires plugged into. Then turn the unit on.
The E27 as well as the E29 alarm should be gone. If the E27 alarm is not gone double-check your jumper.
If the jumper is installed correctly and the E29 alarm is still there. This would indicate the motor control board is bad. Replace the motor control board.